Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ropol much??

assalamualaikum!! =)

ropol much?? haha, u olz semua perasan tak? hari ni dah 2 post yang iman buat. haha! boleh ke ey? ade ke blogger yang post sampai 2kali in a day? keh33.. nampak sangat la i'm very naive about this blogging things.. lantak aku lah kan nak post banyak mane pon. kan? kan?

hari ni, for the whole day free sampai aku tak tau lah ape aku nak buat. bosan ye hidup aku. kalau ade secret admire ramai2 best jugak nak merapu kat diorang..so aku decide nak merapu at my cute little blog yang baru 4hari aku babysitter ni...

its about ropol.. several weeks ago, lecturer aku buat lawak sengal dengan menggelar member aku A(bukan nama sebenar) ropol.. yadda, yadda,.. lawak die tu mmg lawak sampai kitorang gelak bagai nak rak dalam kelas tuh..

then, several weeks after that,..

kitorang kena siapkan notes dalam buku log (macam zaman sekolah pun ade).. so konon2 nya lah nak tarik perhatian lecturer, ramai la yang menghias bagai buku diorang. gadjet yang paling femes sekali adalah divider. u know? book divider? macam2 jenis lah divider yang diorang buat..

so i came out with konon2nye kreatif book divider ever! which was inspired, design by me. haha!!

cantik kan? book divider using ribbons!! book now!! haha!!
then all my friends were like wooooottttt?????? then gelak2.. and officially call me "IMAN ROPOL".
ya i know, i know,, it was ribbons!! not ropols!!! but still diorang nak gak panggil aku iman ropol..

then after finish tampal2 reben2 tuh pakai gam UHU, aku pegi toilet. then member aku yang sorang ni pegi jugak toilet after me. pastu sorang lagi pegi gak toilet. after she came back from the toilet, she was like "gelak-gelak cam orang gila".. guest what? diorang jumpa sehelai reben kat dalam toilet tu. then they were laughing when doing their business in the toilet after saw the ribbon.

fine la.. i left that ribbon that was stick on my fingers when i wash my hand in that toilet.. so, ROPOL MUCH??? haha!! love!

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