Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nur Kasih


"setiap ujian itu adalah peluang untuk kita mendekatkan diri kepadaNya" -Aidil (NurKasih)

ya, saya baru pulang daripada menonton filem Nur Kasih this afternoon...
ya, nur Kasih yang menjadi drama kegemaran hampir semua peminat drama Malaysia tuh.. (termasuk lah aku)
it was the best drama ever shown on TV3 aite?? dengan unsur33 keagamaannya, dengan nice picture shotnya...

so, kali ni ia muncul dalam bentuk movie..

it was warned that this movie might berat sikit lah emosinya.. so here i wanna share~

this is not my dissatisfaction.. just how i feel on this movie... first of all, the movie might be sort of slow and dull.. because it start with sadness and the flow is fast in a slow version (got what i mean??)

i mean, cerita dia sangat singkat about 1hr 30mnute je, tapi the motion is so slow. but but, i still can accept that as its maybe the nur Kasih's trademark...

the emotion is seriously, berat. its really hard. my tear dropped at certain part, but almost crying most of the time.

the actors and actress, they still maintain the original.. but adalah tambah-tambah pelakon baru.. but mostly, in this story they focus most of the time on Adam(Remy Ishak) and Nur(Tiz Zaqiyah).. what make me almost dissapointed is, hanya ini sahaja pelakon33 yang terlibat (yang lain just extras which really33 extras) 

i was tertanya-tanya all the time while watching the movie like "where's Sarah the Nur's sister" "where's the roll of Nur's parents??" sampai la habis movie ni...

when watching the movie, i was crying because its really sad.. but at the end of the story I wanted to cry over and over again. not because its so touching tu satu hal lah, hal yang lainnya, i just can't accept the story line.. 

it was started with sadness, but end up with some kind of happiness in a sadness way (bolehke)

seriously iman xboleh nak explain how it feel... tau tak rasa sedih bila kita rasa sangat sedih like xde orang sayang kita kat dunia ni maybe sebab kena marah dengan mak ke, kena pukul ke, xde orang nak kawan dengan kita ke, then we will cry like its the end of our life.. i was feeling like that, and crying like that in his car because my heart is truly broken to watch this film.. i was not crying like keluar air mata je, but teresak-esak because i cant accept it.. and still now i can feel the bleading scars in my heart...

i can describe my feeling was like this
it just what i feel.. i dont know others.. to know how far nur Kasih the movie can bring your emotion and feeling up to??? dont forget to watch it yaw!!

love!! =D

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