Sunday, November 20, 2011


hi sayang,



ok now, it happens more than 2weeks ago~ hehehe
sorry ya guys! m seriously get so lazy to updating my blog... but here the sneak peak!

its our solemnization day~ =)
p/s: we dont do the reception but it will coming soon.................

Monday, October 17, 2011

which one?

assalamualaikum kalian!
hooray hooray.. hooray hooray...
Alhamdulillah minggu Assigment dan yang sewaktu dengannya telah pun berakhir dengan penuh dramatik. hahaha.
iman nak kahwin.. oooopppsss!!! nak nikah.. InsyaAllah dalam masa terdekat ni.. tarikh tu, ta berani saye nak cakap.. ada jodohnya, InsyaAllah.. doakan Iman yea... =)

yang menjadi keserabutan iman sekarang ni,,, iman nak nikah je.. tade majlis333 pun.. nikah je.. tade resepsi pun... so, takan nak nikah cam cowboy je kan? walaupun nikah, iman nak ade mini dais,, so I ask my mom like this "mak, kite nak mini pelamin eh? boleh tak?" then my mom replied with "boleh... asalkan tak keluar duit aku".

so kawan-kawan.. mane iman nak dapat mini pelamin dalam mase terdekat ni dengan harga kos yang paling rendah?? yeee... m thinking of doing it all by myself.. memang gigih kedengarannya.. hmm so benda paling penting skali? tempat duduk berupa kusyen or bantal nikah.. i google sana, google sini cari sanasini.. jumpa 1 kusyen ug sgt diidamkan untuk duduk di atasnya ketika bergelar raja sehari. tadaa!!
cantik tak???
then bila tanya kat bee sy.... sekian,sekian, bla bla bla, harga bantal ni RM220.....
"huh???!!!! mahalnya." (actually tade la mahal mane tapi kami mmg nak save budget ok)

susahnye,... dah berkenan sgt... da terbayang-bayang dah camne rupa mini pelaminnya nt..
so, sy google lagi.. jumpa pulak yang ni!! untuk disewa!! 2bantal, rm50 jeeee...

yang ni pun sy agak suka ler juge.. cume tak masuk lam bayangan mini pelamin sy nanti laaa..... hmmmm.. tatau cane nak pilih niiiiiiii..... =(
like it tak???

so? which one????

Thursday, September 8, 2011

minggu assignment bermula lagi!

nak jugak! nak jugak update blog!

dude, uhh.. guyzz, babes.. its assignment week come again!!




hate it!!


Saturday, August 20, 2011


Last Friday night
Yeah we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night
Yeah we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a menage a trois
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop-op

This Friday night
Do it all again
This Friday night
Do it all again

~music lagu last friday night berkumandang~
last friday night by Katy Perry! best party ever!! Wooo!!! haha!!
hmm.. bile sebut je pasal last friday night ni, mesti teringat lagu katy Perry ni.. haha! funny videoclip ever seen. aku pun nak cerita gak.. what happen on my last friday night?

cling! (sony ericsson message alert tone berbunyi)
"korang, datang lah umah aku malam esok lepas terawih..ade kenduri arwah ayah aku"
huuhhh??? nombor sape plak ni?? ayah sape plak yang meninggal nihh???
cepat33 aku reply
"sape ni???"
then die reply balik
ohhhh!!! tekejut aku dapat tau ayah die baru meninggal week ago..innalillah.. remember when i told ya guyz yang dulu mase skolah, aku ade group yang dianggotai oleh 7 orang dan kami sangat famous dan dicemburui ramai kerana reputasi kitorang yang agak kewl then she one of my best friend.. hmmm... iman tade cite eh?? hehehh..sory33.. 

so, i told her insyaAllah i will come padahal aku tau aku da tade transport pon nak pegi, tapi nak jumpe sgt since ktorang sume dah berjauhan skarang.. she studied at UM, then dah setahun lebih kot ktorang tak jumpa.. so, aku n 1 other member ni dah plan nak pegi lah.. tapi tak jadi since kereta die baru je excident.. so?? tak pegi lah kan?? aku duduk jela kat umah kan without telling her yang aku tak boleh datang pon sebab tade transport kan sebab taknak ganggu die.... tengah33 layan drama "demi masa" nihh.. sorang lagi member aku ni asyik bagi tau aku die nak pegi tapi tade kawan. ok.. malam semakin lewat.. jam menunjukkan pukul 11 malam.. si dotdot ni plak msg tanye aku nak pegi umah die ke tak kalau nak die pick up aku. 

i was like - ???????? dah jauh malam kot!!!! kenduri tak habis lagi ke???? tapi she insist tooo.... sebab nak jumpa gakk... yela soon i will be married.. sementara bujang ni, bila lagi nak hang kan?? sampai33 umah die, orang dah takde pun.. we spend our friday night together.. walaupun tak cukup korum...3 orang je.. banyak jugak lah yang ktorang bualkan.. miss our old days.. we all lives in the same hometown, tapi.. susah sangat nak berjumpa.. yang paling sedih, 1 of our friend nih, umah dia dah pindah JB.. tapi tak bagi tau kitorang ponnnnnn.... sedih. terasa kehilangan walaupun we still text each other.. hm.. lama jugak ktorang berbual.. hampir 2 pagi aku balik umah.. nasib baik mak aku takde, kalau tak dah bising dah.. hehehhh

they are the best friends i've ever had! miss our school days.. wearing uniforms.. its the best thing i've ever feel. being a school girl.

so, its my last friday night! it bring back my school memories. yours????

al-Fatihah kepada arwah... setiap yang hidup, pasti akan menemui ajalnya.. takziah kepada keluarga.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

ujian mental dan fizikal?

i watch myself in the mirror. (chewah! speaking)
my skin is getting darker and dull. my hand look sooo harsh like im doing a heavy duty work. it doesnt look like a ladylike hand and fingers.  all scars and scratch here and there all over my body. pale lips. dark circle eyes.
it has been a long time since the last time i took care my skin and body. doing facial, spa, massage, scrubing is sort of a daydream to me now. i couldnt have time to do all this thing. i need to walk, taking bus and walk again for almost 3km everyday. panas terik, hujan badai pun aku redah.

i am so tired and sick of walking and carrying heavy bags like 5 kilos everyday. i'm suffering for muscle pain because of this. most of all, it hurts my feelings more. like nobody could ever care for me. when it come to the most tired day in my life, i could cry and complaining so much. what hurt the most is i couldnt let it go everyday. it stress me out.

i didnt bum and fall asleep soon after getting home like others. there always work that need to be settle down first. i let my tiredness of walking and sweating be in the second place. doing laundry, tide up my bedroom all come first because at the end of the day, i dont have time to do it.

this is the reality of my life now. the reality of a bride to be. was it worth me???

Friday, July 29, 2011

kursus fertigasi


uhuk! uhuk! fuhhhh!! bersawang dah blog aku ni.. kesian kurang kasih sayang. agak33 korang dah bape lame agaknye aku tak hupdate blog aku nih?? lame, memang lame, sampai tikus, lipas, lelabah dah beranak pinak kat sini. mintak maaf la bebanyak ye, reasonnya adalah

1. aku memang betul3 busy. keje berlambak333 non-stop!
2. aku skang dah tak duduk hostel, outsider, sewa rumah yang 10min away from college. so, hari333 naik bas, jalan kaki, penat.
3. dan kat umah sewa aku tak ade wifi... heheh.. broadband pon aku takder... saving money. haha!

kursus Fertigasi.

ummm..ya, beberapa hari yang lepas aku ikuti kursus fertigasi.
fertigasi ni combination word from => fertilization (pembajaan) + Irrigation (pengairan)
suppose to be fertigation la kan tapi dimelayukan jadi la fertigasi..
oh! oh! tak tau fertigasi tu ape bende alah ke??? ha!! fertigasi tu sebenarnya salah satu teknologi terkini dalam pertanian..

heheh.. kiranya aku bercucuk tanam lah few days before ni. jadi petani.. class aku beruntung sangat dapat buat projek ni. kitorang tanam 100 pokok dalam polybeg je. semua cost ditanggung, kolej komuniti sponsor rm1000 tak silap aku. sistem fertigasi ni memang mudah. tak payah nak hari33 jaga pokok tu, membaja, menyiram.

aku pon macam excited sgt. sebab benda ni boleh buat duit. so, cerita kat bumblebee aku, ingat nak ajak die buat bisnes ni. hmm..... sambutan yang aku dapat?? hambar.. rase macam budak33 tak cukup umur cerita kat orang tua... aku cerita kat mak aku pon, die wat tak tau je.. sedihnya.. tak ade yang berminat.. =(

tapi takpelahh.. i will try next time.. =)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011




sunyi sepi.


tatkala jari jemari ini mahu melayari keypad laptop putih jenama benQ milik aku.

tatkala mata menatap skrin bercahaya putih terang menyakiti mata.

fikiranku kosong.

mataku terpaku.

jejariku kaku.


seakan-akan termenung. 

hilang segala kata-kata dan cerita.

aku akur, 

tiada cerita bakal dikongsi.




Wednesday, June 22, 2011

my brand new "lipbalm"

salam sejahtera, salam perpaduan..

ayy guyzz!!! its been a while aite aku tak post kat sini?? ya.. very busy laaaaaa.... malas nak update blog pun ade.. hmmm... nak cita ni,,,,

past 2 weeks ago me and my friend went shopping kat Medan, Indonesia!! (well, xder benda yang menarik aku nak cerita bout my trip to medan since we were just shopping!)


maybe about a week before exam semester yang lepas,, (that was more than month ago) bibir aku mengidap penyakit gatal, kering, dan luka (aku tak tau lah kenapa)..

so, benda alah kat bibir aku tu berterusan sampai lah aku pi medan.. mula-mula kena sikit je, maybe disebabkan perubahan cuaca, habis satu bibir aku merah mekar, tapi gatal and sakit. balik dari medan je, the condition became worst and worst lepas makan nsi kandaq kat pineng.

smpai KL aku tak sabar33 nak pi klinik sebab aku musykil apa dah jadi dengan bibir aku ni????!!!!

lepas cek, doc cakap aku kurang vitamin A,D,E,K. ummm.. dapat la multi vit and acid folic.

and, anddd... krim sapu!!! (xtau nama saintifik apa)

so, dah hampir 10 hari jugak la aku gunakan krim ni.. dan rasa best la pulak. lagi best dari lipbalm jenama elianto. dia tak cepat kering, and bibir sentiasa rasa lembap...  in fact, my lips become more supple and soft. cayaaaaalaaahhh!!! woohhhoooo!!!

*aku sebenarnya fobia nak guna lipbalm yang aku ada.... sbb maybe lipbalm tu dah tercemar dengan bakteria dan menjadi penyebab bibir aku teruk?? who knows kan??

oke333.... da!! luv!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

fun hectic week!


its been a while since my last post haritu... a week maybe?

yup. i've been very busy. its a hectic week. but, its a fun hectic week! due to my cousin's wedding!

hehehh... last week aku cerita pasal sepupu aku yang mamat tu nikah, minggu ni aku nak cerita pasal what happen when my cousin, syikin becoming a wife??

first of all, aku nak bagi tau, yang this is the 1st wedding yang aku bagi 100% commitment and fully support and help. from before, during and after the wedding. fewhh!! cayalah!! 2-3 day before the solemnization and reception, aku sangat setia menjadi personal assistant untuk syikin dan kakaknya yang senget, Milah. semua permintaan diorang aku ikutkan je. like, "iman, tolong aku ni, tolong aku buat tu". semua aku tolong. but i am happy doing it. since the bride herself and her sister tu sendiri tak cukup tangan dan kaki. they were like doing all things. memang gigih!!

syikin dan amir diijab kabulkan pada hari jumaat.. lepas sembahyang jumaat. but dalam  sejarah pernikahan yang pernah aku saksikan, yang inilah peristiwa yang paling havoc and kelakar sekali pernah aku tengok. they both agree with 3pm, but si syikin ni, menggunakan khidmat make up daripada sepupu aku yang tengah berpantang. so dia terpaksa la pergi rumah sepupu aku tu. about 2.35, rombongan lelaki dah sampai. everybody like panicking because pengantin perempuan tak ade! belum siap make up lagi and was 20 minutes away from home! jadi terpaksa lah pengantin lelaki tunggu depan tok kadi hampir setengah jam lebih jugak lahh..haha! biasa perempuan tunggu lelaki, ni lelaki pulak yang tunggu. but, why not kan?? sekali sekala apa salahnya.. hehehh..

during the wedding plak, aku dah ditugaskan untuk menjaga meja makan beradap and family..ok, i am so noob la layan orang makan, seriously i dont know the protocol! but then got another special task.. jaga tol!! got what i mean?? here in my place when the groom nak masuk umah bride, there will be some relatives or peeps waiting and blocking at some gates or place asking for money (tol). after they paid then we will let them enter. usually there will be 3 tol lah, but yesterday we all being sooooo over drama eh,, buat sampai 5 tol!! pihak pengantin lelaki pun nampak bengang je.. heheheh!! its so fun!!

after the wedding plak, on OMG aku basuh periuk dengan sukarelanya!! hahaha!! xpernah aku buat semua kerja tu! penat! tapi seronok sangat!

this is how it feel uh?? when we can help peeps dengan sedaya upaya kudrat kita?? sangat puas hati.

aku rasa ni lah 1 of wedding sepupu aku yang paling meriah yang aku dapat rasakan kehangatan dan kemeriahannya daripada sebelum sampai lah dah habis wedding tu. because i involve in it everyday till the last. kalau before this, 2 or 1 day before tu aku datang la tolong3 packing goodies, then pada hari kejadian, tolong sekejap je, pas tu larikan diri from work, tengok33 pengantin, then bergambar lepas tu dah penat masuk bilik, tidur! huahuahua! macam penat sangat.. soon after habis je majlis cepat33 cabut. sebab mengemas paling memenatkan. ceh! ni kalau tau sepupu aku yang lain ni, menyirap je diorang.

since aku ni sibuk sangat buat kerja, so here some pics yang aku sempat nak snap. tak banyak. just some of it je.

silat untuk pengantin lelaki

pengantin lelaki nak masuk rumah kena tol lagi (yang ke-4) ditarajui oleh kakak3 pengantin perempuan yang bertudung biru. kak nor dan milah.

inilah die 2 pasang pengantin bersanding. yang pink tu pasangan mamat, yang biru tu barulah pasangan syikin. masa ni, opah aku nak tepung tawar..
acara makan beradap. yang singh belakang tu, jangan terpedaya, dialah paklong aku. water fountain  hati berdarah kat depan meja ni, paklong akulah yang buat. siap ada batu lesung lagi ;)

so, sampai disini sahaja! semoga kedua-dua pasangan bahagia dan kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat! chill! love!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my Wed's prep?


preparation la der~

ummm... ape yg nak kena prepare??

study this line ===> "iman, betul ke ko nak kahwin hujung tahun ni??" (while we were doing my cousin's wed's prep)

then i replied with "u'uh, kenape??"

she answer back with "xnampak macam nak kahwin pun.."

pastu aku diam jelah.. senyum.. then i was having a monolog which is "betul ke?? tang mana yg tak nampaknya tuh??"


lagi 6bulan je lagi.. i am just tooo shy larr to show my obsession towards my own wedding preparation.

1st is, i dobt like to gembar-gemburkan what is in my mind because the date is away too long to be bising33 off.. just to be careful. herk?? apekah yg aku nak careful sangat tuh???

2nd is, i dont want peeps to make me pening n changes mind for my own theme choises n etc..know what i mean tak? i mean like this, peeps always said tat my taste is so "pelik" or whatever they wanna call it. so i dont wanna spill out what my dream wed would be like, what is my idea, the theme tat i wanna choose, because i hate peeps reaction like this:

1. "huhh?? knpe ko pilih kaler tu?? xpelik ke???"
2. "iehh ko nih.. xpenah dibuat org"
3. "ah ko xpayah nak over la"
4. "eleh ntah ade duit ke tak lah"
5. and so on...

so i was just shut up.. which mean xdelah xcerita langsung about the progress.. ade, but not the whole details. bukan nak kedekut.. i just feel like its ok if i'm doing it and handle few things alone..

even with my mom pun i didn't share so much. i just keep it secret and they will see it on the wedding day. since she was the one who hate my taste the most. we obviously not agreed with each other. lagi satu, aku xnak la cerita gebang sangat.. bila benda dah betul33 confirm, payment have been made, then they got the right to know bout it i guess??

for just now, its me and my partner business to be care for.. 

Monday, May 30, 2011


i believe in MANICURES. i believe in PIMPING at leisure and wearing LIPSTICK. i believe that LAUGHING is the BEST calorie burner. i believe in KISSING KISSING alot. and i believe in being STRONG. =D

so bukan i believe i can fly je eyh.. haha.


Saturday, May 28, 2011

pejam celik dah pun kahwin..


cepatnya masa berlalu.. pejam celik, pejam celik, segala-galanya dah berubah.. dulu, aku tengok sepupu sepapat aku sama baya je dengan aku.. ada yang dah besar pun, duk main bola kat laman rumah, semuanya masih kanak-kanak riang ria muda remaja..

rasanya macam baru semalam je aku tengok semua gelagat tu.. still fresh bayangan tu dalam kepala aku.. pejam celik pejam celik sekarang ni, ada yang ada anak pun ada (oh banyaknya perkataan 'ada').. bukan anak yang masih dikendong lagi, yang dah pergi sekolah pun ada... cepatnya!.. 

terasa diri ini semakin tua bila membayangkan suatu hari nanti aku pun akan berada di tempat mereka..


oleh sebab masa tu berlalu dengan sangat cepat, aku pun update blog aku ni dengan pantasnya tanpa sempat aku salin baju dan mekap pun masih melekat kat muka lagi ni lepas balik dari majlis pernikahan sepupu aku tadi..

hehehe.. seronok tengok orang dah kahwin.. aku bile lah ek?? (ecece..buat tanya plak) yang buat aku rasa pernikahan sepupu aku kali ni special adalah apabila,,,, tadi, sebelum dia diijab kabulkan, ada 3 orang yang bakal kahwin.. iaitu sepupu laki aku (mamat), sepupu perempuan aku adik mamat sendiri (sikin), dan aku sendiri(huahuahua)... 3-3 orang ni tunangan orang... dan 3-3 akan kahwin tahun ni insyaAllah...

tapi, lepas si mamat tu dah diijabkabulkan, maka tinggallah kami berdua.. tapi, minggu depan, sikin tu pulak yang menikah.. aku?? aku lambat sikit lah..sikit je..xbanyak.. hahaha...

masa lepas akad nikah tadi, masing-masing sebak tengok pengantin menangis.. termasuk aku (ah kantoi!!) hahaha!! masa sepupu aku nak jawab tadi pun kelakar.. bukan main laju die terima nikah tak sempat habis satu nafas kot! satu rumah gelak.. bukan main ye memang dah jadi trademark agaknya gelakkan pengantin lelaki jawab akad..

tadi aku ambil banyak gambar tapi maaf lah ye, tak boleh nak upload gambar untuk entry kali ni.. masalah teknikal.. dan aku pun tak rajin.. ok love! chill!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

terkenang zaman chillhood ku


ewah!! zaman CHILLhood ke CHILDhood??? ahh.. sama lah semua tuhh.. sapa tak chill masa childhood kan? mungkin ada, mereka2 yang tak bernasib baik.. kita doakan semoga mereka itu dikurniakan sinar bahagia ey?? ~amin~

nyway, final exam da habis!! huhu....

ok, x ade ape nak cerita. nak bagi tau, terkenang zaman kanak-kanak je.

theeeee..... =D



Tuesday, May 24, 2011



apa yang harapannya??

Alhamdulillah, hari ini, selesai satu lagi paper untuk exam semester ni.. petang ni aku cuba untuk rilek2 kan kepala dengan tidur, blogwalking, googling and sort of.. malam nanti baru aku sambung study untuk paper esok plak...

tiba2, mood aku bersurfing hari ni more to wedding~ sampai dah xde benda pasal wedding pun aku cari juga.. mula2 aku google sana google sini nak tengok kasut wedding since still i dont have idea what shoe i would fancy for wedding.. then aku terjumpa... kasut warna purple.. aku click!

jumpa blog ni.. she's da bridzella to be..sabtu ni dia kawin.. echeh cam aku kenal plak dia.. tapi tapi tapi,, fture husband dia tu orang kampung aku wooo!!!,,,...(tapi aku xkenal pon hahahaha)

then aku roll, roll, dan roll lagi.. older, older, older entry... taraaaa!!! aku jumpa bunga telur dia,, (ok la,, dia tempah tak beli kat kedai je) pastu ada link blog orang yang ambil tempahan bunga telur tu..

then aku terfikir, banyak333 benda, bunga telur tak reti duk kisah lagi.. on autopilot, aku terus je buka blog yang dia bagi tu..

ok, banyak design bunga telurnya.. which is I think her own idea.. sebab aku lum penah jumpa lagi kat mana-mana.. so i seriously fancy bunga-bunga tu... jadi??

saya rasa macam nak tempah juga je?

saya pun buka email...

compose satu email kat die......................


bumblebee sy xtau pun.. saya pandai33 je..


saya tanya  harga je dulu.. tapi saya terus gak bagi tau.. design bunga telur yang saya suka...

as before this masa nak tunang hantaran aku gubah sendiri je..(gigih ye walaupun xder asas n xde sape ajar) tapi untuk wedding ni,, aku xder mood langsung nak pegi jalan33 kat kedai-kedai yang jual barang-barang pengantin tu untuk beli33 barang untuk DIY things for wedding.. seriously. everything aku nak tempah je semua benda. xyah serabut33 kepala.

oh oh oh..,, membebel plak. tajuk tu harapan... tapi ape yang aku harapkan...

1. aku harap result sem ni lebih baik daripada sem lepas kalau tak dapat 1st degree pun, second upper blh tak??? tapi kalau blh,, nak 1st degree..(walaupun study last minute) *pray* ~amin~

as aku baru je tejumpa bunga telur yang menawan hati tu dan dia betul33 menambat hati saya!! dan lagi 6bulan je wedding saya!!

2. so aku harap, die xreply dengan jawapan "dah penuh" or fully booking tapi dengan jawapan "saya bersedia mengambil tempahan anda" (boleh tak??) *pray more* ~amin~

oh, oh!! ada lagi satu harapan!! aku baru je mendapat surat tawaran.. kena duduk luar hostel sebab hostel xcukup untuk kemasukan new students sem depan... so,

3. aku harap aku xkena duduk luar and can stay kat hostel ni for at least 1 more sem untill i am married!! please!!!.... *pray* ~amin~

ok,, harapan... tak mahu tinggal harapan... moga tercapai... love!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nur Kasih


"setiap ujian itu adalah peluang untuk kita mendekatkan diri kepadaNya" -Aidil (NurKasih)

ya, saya baru pulang daripada menonton filem Nur Kasih this afternoon...
ya, nur Kasih yang menjadi drama kegemaran hampir semua peminat drama Malaysia tuh.. (termasuk lah aku)
it was the best drama ever shown on TV3 aite?? dengan unsur33 keagamaannya, dengan nice picture shotnya...

so, kali ni ia muncul dalam bentuk movie..

it was warned that this movie might berat sikit lah emosinya.. so here i wanna share~

this is not my dissatisfaction.. just how i feel on this movie... first of all, the movie might be sort of slow and dull.. because it start with sadness and the flow is fast in a slow version (got what i mean??)

i mean, cerita dia sangat singkat about 1hr 30mnute je, tapi the motion is so slow. but but, i still can accept that as its maybe the nur Kasih's trademark...

the emotion is seriously, berat. its really hard. my tear dropped at certain part, but almost crying most of the time.

the actors and actress, they still maintain the original.. but adalah tambah-tambah pelakon baru.. but mostly, in this story they focus most of the time on Adam(Remy Ishak) and Nur(Tiz Zaqiyah).. what make me almost dissapointed is, hanya ini sahaja pelakon33 yang terlibat (yang lain just extras which really33 extras) 

i was tertanya-tanya all the time while watching the movie like "where's Sarah the Nur's sister" "where's the roll of Nur's parents??" sampai la habis movie ni...

when watching the movie, i was crying because its really sad.. but at the end of the story I wanted to cry over and over again. not because its so touching tu satu hal lah, hal yang lainnya, i just can't accept the story line.. 

it was started with sadness, but end up with some kind of happiness in a sadness way (bolehke)

seriously iman xboleh nak explain how it feel... tau tak rasa sedih bila kita rasa sangat sedih like xde orang sayang kita kat dunia ni maybe sebab kena marah dengan mak ke, kena pukul ke, xde orang nak kawan dengan kita ke, then we will cry like its the end of our life.. i was feeling like that, and crying like that in his car because my heart is truly broken to watch this film.. i was not crying like keluar air mata je, but teresak-esak because i cant accept it.. and still now i can feel the bleading scars in my heart...

i can describe my feeling was like this
it just what i feel.. i dont know others.. to know how far nur Kasih the movie can bring your emotion and feeling up to??? dont forget to watch it yaw!!

love!! =D

Friday, May 20, 2011


Being a Romantic 
"Am I a romantic? I've seen Wuthering Heights ten times. I'm a romantic."

Relationship with his body
“I have a funny relationship with my body...Ah, it sounds so stupid, but for me there shouldn't be any half way."

On the stronger sex
"You know, when you welcome a child into the world, you witness the birth of your child, and you've been there for that nine month period, you realize that there's no doubt, there's no question that women are the stronger of the sexes. There's no doubt. Any man who had to carry a child for nine months would cave in about month or two. And then delivery, you know labor? Yeah, it's over with. So yeah, I would certainly like to explore that. Sure."

It's okay to be different
"If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that it’s OK to be different, that it’s good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color."

Johnny Depp - about having control of his character in the film:
"I didn't feel any pressure whatsoever about taming the character or anything like that especially from the studio. No, on the contrary - after having.. they were slightly more conservative - idea of what the character might be on the first Pirates and then on the second one and on the third one they kind of let me, let me go you know, go ahead, do whatever you feel like you've got to do."

Johnny Depp - on Jack Sparrow
"A guy like that is a guy like that. I don't think that there is any room for... he can't evolve, he's just sort like he is. It's like the balancing ball. I will say that there is a moment or two at World's End where Jack is faced with himself and with the various sides of his personality and he has to deal with that."

Johnny on saying good-bye to Captain Jack Sparrow
"It's hard because you are faced with the potential that this guy you have been with and I know it sounds totally absurd, but this guy that you've been, this person that you have been, that you may not ever see him again. So there's a period of decompression which involves depression as well, so yeah, you just get through it, but there's always that potential in the back of your mind going, maybe, you know maybe you'll see him again."

DO u know?? who says all this line???? its beautiful.. yup, its 


I think the 1st movie of him tat i've watch is on charlie and the chocolate factory, but then at that time i dont have idea who was Willy Wonka actually is. (masa tu aku jahil lagi artis33 mat saleh ni xkenal)

then i watch him again in pirates of the Caribbean
i could say... he is so charming as my heart is melted to see his character in it.. for the 1st time! i am so in love with an actor.
so i spread the story that i font in love to all my friends...

then one of my friend ni say, "oh memang la die suke belakon pelik33.. cite chocolate factory tu yang jadi Willy Wonka tu die ahh"

then I was like "whooooooooooooottttttt?????????"

and seriously i really cant recognised that it was him n i truly love him!

soon and soon i became so addicted to him until everytime there's a movie tat he'd play, i will watch. because i wanna see him and feel that melting heart feeling again.

then on this year, i cant wait to watch "Rango" because they used his voice for the Rango character. ok then, Rango seems boring sikit la. as i just can only heard his voice. not his face. so my fanaticalness to him to lessen. 

on this month,  another pirates of the caribbean came out. i just feel like not excited like before. so i was just like did my feeling towards him is lessen?? and i am soo afraid! so i go watch it YESTERDAY. 

no doubt. Rango is not the end of my love towards Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow has stole my heart one more time. He did it!!! He did!! he did make me melted like a burning candle as he is sooooooooooo charming especially when he make his romantic act and face!!!!!!!!!!! I'M ADDICTED AND I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUH TO JOHNNY DEPP!!!

oh! so cool!
its so hot! hawt!
seriously sexy!


Thursday, May 19, 2011


i dedicated this post specially for my future husband to be as known as my bumblebee...

Only U,..

u Save My Heart..
U Accept me.. 
Just The WAY I AM..


For Who u Are...

U are my Honey,
and U are My Poison..

U hurt Me,
U save Me.


U Stole My Heart AGAIN,
U Charm me AGaIN


if n only if we were fighting again,

how HAPPY I was TOday

to be SO IN LOVE 

AND my head is over the heel


my tear dropped as i read this.. i wish i could tat kind of wife beside tat kind of husband...
so sweet
OHOHO.. my literature is seriously tak puitis langsung!!!!!!

so, my love, wanna tell u this;

in fact,

if i have bigger arms, my love towards you will be more than this!!! but then i just effort this much. haha! kidding33...

 i love u this much... until my we become the old couple just like in the picture. (we do have our picture together exactly like this aint us my bee???)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BAD day comes with HAPPINESS

"its like the ying and yang, pros and cons, beuty and fuggly... each of it, compleating each other.." (Prof. Dr. Nur Iman Alsagoff, 2011) huahuahua... jgn percaya. nyway, got the idea of this phrase from the lovely owner of fabulous floral hehehehe... do visit her blog!! u'll surprise! echeh...

ok, ok.. skang ni, iman nak cita pasal aper ni?? huhhh??? alright333,, suppose to story this 2 days ago, when the bad day come with happiness happen.. but my schedule is too tight yaw... (artis kah????) no no.. student.

guess what happen 2 days ago?? on 16th may? yup! its a teacher's day!! clap clap.. but, it sort of almost to be my bad day.. when i am infected to flu for crying soooo badly after having a fight with my bumblebee.. (not to publicity my personal life), so i was going through a bad day.. i was sneezing so badly (still) and this is the proof
baiklah  sy study atas lantai je bersama tisu33 hingus ni

but then, the bad day come with happiness bile aku dapat banyak hadiah sempena hari guru ni (nak jugak dapat hadiah walaupun bukan cikgu).. and still the happiness come from my bumblebee too when he still accept me n love me the way i am.... this is the proof!!

~he gave me this lovely pink rose~
ok, i love him. (ok dah sudah no more personal life here iman!!!)

instead of rasa sedih sebab kena selsema, i cheer up myself to show the world that even if i have a bad day, i am still can feel happy!!!

this is the request present tat i got from my clasmate and roommate..
thanks ariey for the marvelous egg tart.. and my roomate for tat lovely bookmark stick!!
ada lagi!
candies from 1 of my classmate too....
instead of all the presents,, i got moral support and tenderness(kah???) from my lovely senior for caring my flu soooo much!!! thanks k.fara!!!

therefore, i am blessed.. i am grateful for what i have.. thank you Allah... i love You..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

cheering up ourselves~

the exam is just around the corner. its around the corner. just around the corner! so no playing around uh... we were staying up late night until dawn for almost everyday... (sampai tertinggal subuh!! astarghfirullahalazim)

day and night, study, study, study is all is what has set up in our mind.. today, we were goin to study this, the next day is that, tonight is this, tomorrow night is that... all the five subject... we mixed it up in our brain for the crazy final exam that would be taken for four days in a row.. (ek betul ke BI aku ni???hahaha!!)

so, instead of baca buku banyak33 hari333 like this,,,,,

eksen je tabur buku33 ni.. haha
we expected something to cheer up our days and brain.. something that can make ourself happy.. something yang menghalang kitorang in stress situation.. something that might let our brains work efficiently maybe????

that "something" thing is call........



konon-kononnya we wanna make something crazy lah tonight which is "xdelah crazy sangat" to cheering up ourselves rather than stressing up too much for studying and fearing up for the exam.

therefore, we decided wanna make some STEAMBOAT at the hostel in our hostel.. too excited for that, my senior k.fara urged her boyfriend to drove her and ariey to supermarket this evening to buy the "steamboat stuff" hahaha...

the total RM of the "steamboat stuff" is RM12.50 and shared with 5 person.. so kira sendirilah sorang kena bayar berapa.. murah je kan???? so who need steamboat at kedai makan yang sampai berpuluh-puluh hengget tuh if u all can DIY it in your house or wherever you are!! (echeh boleh plak promote! =D)

we just adding up 2 cube knorr soup, cukup rasa sikit, and some peppers.. the result is,,, walah!!! just the same as the yong taufu at any stall!! we cooked it in multi-cooker.. very simple.. 

here some pict of the marvelous steamboat yang kitorang buat tuh!!

uhmmm... yummy yummy!!!.... =P
sengaja aku upload gamba ni: nak menunjukkan tangan-tangan yang rakus itu xsabar2 nak makan steamboat yang sedap ituh!!! 

so, this is what we call.. A STUDENT'S LIFE... so ironic!! aww!! hahaha!! happy tummy, happy brains!! its fun!

gendang gendut tali kecapi,
kenyang perut, sukahati!! 

dada guyzz!!! love!! assalamualaikum! =D

Friday, May 13, 2011

trying TO and NOT TO

i am building this blog on march this year.. after a longgggggggggggggggggg considering the pros and cons having a blog... (well, i have my reason why la kan) dekat atas tu, aku dah tulis secara surface kenapa aku buat blog.. sama ada saja2 (yup, maybe), atau sebagai satu medium untuk aku meluahkan ape3333 je yang ada lam hati i mean my personal life (mention it already, na'ah), or some knowledge (i always want it to)...

i wanna state this, this is thing that i am trying TO do and trying TO NOT do. (haha english aku macam h***m)..

i am trying TO
- share any knowledge that I THINK might benefit others too..
- tell others the happiness that happen IN MY LIFE..
- spread any story that might BRING HAPPINESS..


i am trying NOT TO
- share my PERSONAL life
- share MY sadness

i wish i can DO IT!

ada lagi yang aku rase trying TO and NOT TO????? later on aku akan update.. kalau ade la...

my principe* - any opinion is always right because it was looked by peeps in different side and angle, it was just how you defend your words.. and on any other side, none opinion can be declare right because each other opinion has its words to proof the rights..... (haha xfaham??? study!)

chill! love!

oh! kena paksa update blog!

oh! assalamualaikum!!... =D

kena paksa.

rentetan hidup yang aku terpaksa hadapi.

ye, aku xde info, xde cerita yang menarik pun untuk dikongsi,... but, but.. we are gathering on something.. we??? heheheheheh... yup yup..

camni ceritanya.. (tibatiba ada cerita)

malamni, kitorang semua berstay up (konon-konon nak study) but then terbuka cerita pasal BLOG.. since i am new, so blogging thing could be excited la kan bile ada di antara kawan33 kita yg ada blog and wanted us to follow them. so we were just like "ey u olz ada blog ke???" "u'uhh!!! follow la follow taw!!" "awwhh!! follow la kite jugak!!" "eh, ko buat la blog kite follow sama-sama!" giggle, shouting, excited and sort of..

macamni la situasinya... 

haha. jakun giler.. hahahahaha.. tape333... sekali sekala... so disebabkan itu,, one of my senior ni.. mengarahkan kitorang semua update blog sempena malam jejak kasih blogger reunion thing ni (?????) setelah kitorang semua ziarah-menziarahi blog memasing.... suddenly je she give command like,

she would say like this : ok cepat! cepat! semua update blog sekarang! (seriously its not like the death command, but sort of with a slow and soft version)

ni la senior aku yang paksa kitorang update blog tuh... aku sempat snap gamba ni tadi mase dia tengah acu pistol tu kat kepala kitorang.. (abaikan pakaian die yang menjolok mata tuh.. baju tido die memang seksi22 n xmasuk akal)

oleh itu, dengan gigihnya, aku perah gak ayat222 lam kepala ni, untuk dimuat turunkan dalam album kompilasi aku ni.. (ok tak lawak)

seriously!!! i am blurrrrr!!!!

thee.. dont mad ahh.... so meet them;

kawan aku yang dah 3tahun bina blog tapi xbagi makan(xupdate) berkurun lamanya....


kak fara
senior aku yang berani mati tukar "mission study" malamni kpd "blog updating mission"..

chill! love! haha....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

beautiful by Katie Piper

beautiful. have you heard this title? yup its a book, a novel, a story about a beautiful girl which her life was almost destroyed after beaten, raped and subjected to an acid attack by her own boyfriend!.. its katie Piper... 

but but,,,

discover how she could survive the battle from permanent injuries, scar and traumas... from this book!!! 

interesting??? only myr36.90 je....
source, google
cerita dia memang menyayat hati la.. macam bukan realiti pun ada.. it will make u guys think like " is this for real??" but seriously real la kan.. xkan tipu plak..   

if you wanna find out more about katie piper, u can also visit:

atau, boleh ler bergoogle!!!!! 

dijamin cerita dia sangat best.. it will make u concerns about acid victims, and and,, love the spirit.. meresap gitew... aku xnak cita banyak3333... nanti xseprais la kannnn... 

Monday, May 9, 2011

tips atasi perut mu, buncit!

"berat badan tak menjadi masalah, tetapi, bentuk badan yang menjadi masalah."
"nak gemuk senang, nak kurus punyalah susah"

ok, masalah, masalah dan masalah... tapi korang semua sedar tak???

"masalah datang dan masalah pergi"

so, aku nak share few things kepada semua-semua yang mungkin mempunyai masalah ini,

-dah cuba berdiet, tapi berat tak turun2 pun?
-susahnya nak diet!! makin naik adalah!! give up!
-badan dah kurus, tapi perut pulak buncit...

all above adalah masalah yang iman sendiri pernah hadapi.. korang sangat bertuah jika baca entry ni! sebab saya ada jalan penyelesaiannya!! hehehhehhehehehehehe!!!!!!

untuk mengatasi masalah333 tu semua, jom tengok apa amalan iman???

1. selepas makan, iman takkan mandi atau tidur
- ya, jangan mandi/tidur lepas makan sebab ianya akan membuat perut anda menjadi BUNCIT. seelok-eloknya, mandi/tidur dahulu sebelum makan.. jika tidak, tunggu sehingga 3jam selepas makan, anda bebas untuk mandi/tidur (gigih ye aku tahan mengantuk lepas makan)

2. iman tak minum air banyak/ makan buah lepas makan
- ya, jangan minum air terlalu banyak lepas makan atau makan buah, kerana boleh menjadi penyebab perut BUNCIT! oleh itu? minumlah air/ makanlah buah sebelum makan. minum sedikit sahaja air selepas makan sekadar mencuci mulut dan membasahi tekak...

3. iman selalu minum air limau suam jika makan makanan yang berat
- ya, order lah air limau suam jika makan di kedai makan atau selepas makan terlalu berat kerana ia mampu membuang lemak. mengapa suam? kerana ais tidak digalakkan selepas makan! (dah jadi air fevret aku dah)

4. iman suka buah prunes sunsweets!
- jadikan buah prunes jenama sunsweet ini teman setia anda! buahan ini kaya dengan serat, mampu melancarkan penghadaman dan sistem pembuangan anda! boleh buang toksin juga!
source: google

5. iman suka minum horlic 3 in 1 lite!
- sarapan pagi, makanan malam?? ada fibre (serat) tambahan. low fat, 25% kurang gula dan amat sesuai untuk orang yang sedang berdiet! mudah disediakan, serta mengenyangkan! (minum secawan pun aku dah kenyang)
source: google

6. iman suka baca nutrition fact, ingredients pada label makanan
- semaklah apa ingredients yang terkandung, berapa banyak kandungan lemak, garam, gula dan kalori dalam setiap makanan yang diambil. anda pasti akan membuat pilihan yang bijak! ambil makanan yang paling kurang kandungan makanan yang boleh menggemukkan

7. iman senam juga sekali-sekala
- bersenamlah sekali-sekala jika anda tidak suka bersenam supaya badan kita sihat dan aktif. bersenam juga mampu memperbaiki sistem pencernaan dan penghadaman anda! (kadang2 aku berbasikal, berjogging, swimming dan menari!)

8. iman tidak kerap menimbang berat badannya
- janganlah kerap menimbang berat badan anda kerana jika anda sering menimbang berat anda, anda akan lemah semangat untuk berdiet dan akan merasakan diet yang dijalankan tidak berkesan apabila berat yang diingini tidak tercapai kerana berat anda mungkin tidak turun dalam masa yang begitu singkat. (aku selalu timbang 1-3 bulan sekali..ada juga mencecah smpai 5bulan sekali)

9. iman selalu memakai girdle 
- ya, salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan pinggang yang ramping dan mengawal perut BUNCIT adalah dengan pemakaian girdle. girdle, mampu menahan perut anda daripada makan dengan banyak. malah, pemakaiannya yang konsisten juga mampu merampingkan pinggang anda! buatlah pilihan yang bijak apabila memilih girdle! dengan girdle, anda akan lebih yakin! (aku selalu pakai girdle. girdle aku semua sampai bawah dada (atas perut). antara girdle aku yang best adalah jenama sorella dan spanx)

SPANX by Sara Blakely

sampai di sini sahaja tips aku. ingat, usaha tangga kejayaan! kalau ada lagi, aku akan share lagi! love! =)

jom diet lagi! =)


ekekeke... kawan33, jom diet lagi!? nak tak? jom larrrrrrr... ekekeke..

urmm.. aku ade cerite gempak nak cita hahaha.. last week, aku n 2 of my best friend pegi menghappykan perut kitorang kat pizza hut.. ekeke (macam tak diet je ek aku ni?).. diet, diet jugak, kekadang kita kena gak manjalarakan diri ni once in a while.."once in a while" remember this phrase.. =)

kononnya nak cuba lew daily meal yang 50% off tuh.. makan punya makan, bukak cita pasal diet..

Aku: aku ni diet, tapi skang xtau lah berat aku berapa.. 
Pah: aku rasa makin naik..
Aku: kenape plak???
Pah: aku tengok ko makan banyak je...
Aku: ????? =(
Pah: dah33 la tu diet.. 
Aku: xnak.. selagi tak capai target berat yang aku nak, aku xkan berhenti..
Pah: berape target ko???
Aku: 48kg =D

ok tutup cita pizza.. then kitorang pi masuk supermarket cari barang.. aku jumpa alat22 penimbang, aku pun timbang lew.. tengok33, jarum dia tubjuk bawah 50kg.. ok33, not too excited sebab takut penimbang tu xbetul or something.

then amik penimbang yang memang disediakan untuk dicuba(what we called it? tester ke ey??) aku suh member aku tu timbang. 38kg. ok, memang betul tu berat dia. so aku pun naik.. guess what?? my weight now isssssss..................

48kg !!!!!!! 
(ok tanda seruan tu takmao besar33 sebab aku jerit slow-slow)

oh my gosh!!!!!!

WOW! macam tak percaya. macam mimpi. kaki ku terbang di awang-awangan.. senyum smpai ke telinga.. my friends were like "wahhhh.... tahniah, tahniah..!!! (clap clap)" or "wow babe... u made it! oh my gucci!!"

macamni la kawan-kawan aku tekezut! gediks much??

ok, dah mencapai berat target yang dikehendaki. adakah aku akan berhenti?? oh.. BIG NO NO...

aku akan teruskan dan terus dan terus berdiet to maintain it or maybe new target???? what about 45kg??? ada brani?? wheeeeee....

so? jom diet lagi!!!! wheee....!!! =D love!